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Lu Cheng research group of China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) is looking for postdoctoral researchers in Condensed Matter Physics (effective for a long time)

       China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) provides the postdoctoral researchers with competitive salary, excellent scientific research platform and good academic atmosphere, and regards postdoctoral researchers as the fresh force and important reserve teachers of high-level young talents. Doctors and postdoctoral work is outstanding, and they can directly stay in school to teach and apply for special associate professor, special professor and other high-level talent positions (according to statistics, in 2018 and 2019, the proportion of post doctoral personnel in the university after leaving the station exceeded 50%).

1、 Admission conditions
       PhD degree in condensed matter physics, atomic and molecular physics, computational materials science and other related majors, strong theoretical analysis ability and computational simulation experience, strong interest in Computational Physics and materials research; experience in supercomputing server management and python programming is preferred.

There are four kinds of post types in this recruitment, and the specific conditions are as follows:
1.1. Age requirements (especially excellent can be relaxed appropriately)
Class a postdoctoral: meet the national post doctoral project application requirements
Class b postdoctoral: no more than 32 years old
Class c postdoctoral: no more than 35 years old
Project postdoctoral: no more than 35 years old

1.2. Access conditions:
Please visit the website of the talent office for post doctoral entry and exit conditions                                              

2、 Application method
Interested candidates, please prepare the following materials and merge them into a PDF document in order and send them to email subject and PDF file are named "name + postdoctoral candidate"”)。
2.1.curriculum vitae.
2.2.Home page of electronic version of academic research representative achievements.

3、 Salary
3.1. Basic salary
                                  Post doctoral category                                      Annual salary
                                  Class a postdoctoral                                       
                                  Class b postdoctoral                                       Over 300000 yuan
                                  Class c postdoctoral                                       Over 200000 yuan
                                  Project postdoctoral                                       Over 180000 yuan
Note: up to 36 months' salary

3.2. Incentives
■ Enjoy the reward of scientific research performance and high level achievements
■ Those who enjoy the scientific research performance and high-level achievements will be awarded a one-time reward
■ Excellent candidates can apply for the post of special professor (researcher) and special associate professor (associate researcher) in advance

3.3. Security system
They are included in the social security of public institutions, enjoy public medical treatment, and enjoy the same admission policy for their children.

4、 Contact information

Please send relevant materials